Safety Net, Deconstructed quilt, cotton fabric, cotton string, and acrylic, 90 x 82 inches, 2018

Do Pretty Girls Cry?, Deconstructed quilt, hand stitching, image transfer, ink, and acrylic, 70 x 63 inches, 2018

Elasticity, Deconstructed quilt, silver, aluminum, acrylic, and spray paint, 42 x 31.5 inches, 2019

Retreat, Deconstructed quilt, cotton batting, hand stitching, joint compound, graphite, and acrylic, 75 x 67 inches, 2018

Blueprint, Deconstructed quilt, hand stitching, and acrylic, 79 x 75 inches, 2018

Imprint, Deconstructed quilt and acrylic, 78 x 70 inches, 2019